Quick Schedule Pop-Up

TrafficLIVE displays this pop-up when you click <#>% in the last column on the Financials page Time tab.

Field Description
Staff Group filter Select All Staff Groups to display employees from all groups or use the drop-down to filter the grid to display employees in a specific group. The groups are set in Admin.
Personal Rate filter Select All Personal Rates to display all rates or choose a charge band to display rates that are specific to that charge band.
Only show generic resources Select this option to list generic resources (for example, Architect) instead of specific resources (for example, John Smith) in the Staff allocation drop-down. You might want to use this if you need to allocate resources to a job but do not yet know which specific resources will work on the job. Generic resources are not available in all TrafficLIVE systems.
Staff Allocation This drop-down lists the available employees (or generic resources) starting with least-booked at the top.
Start/End Use these fields to set the start/end date and time.
Allocation Length Use this field to set the amount of time that you want to allocate to the employee for the task.
Add Click to add the employee or resource to the selected task.
Hours/Cost/Price/Total This grid displays the employees who are allocated to the task with financial details.
Click to remove an existing allocation.
Cancel Click to cancel and close the pop-up.
Update Schedule Click to update the schedule.